You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will burst forth into songs of joy before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12 (photo above - on Mt. Cheam looking south)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Anouncing Ramble #6 -- Thursday, August 11

Ramble #6 is planned for next Thursday, August 11. We are going to go to Lindeman Lake which is close to Chilliwack Provincial Park. There may be the option of extending this hike to include Greendrop Lake, but that will depend upon how many people are coming and the level of hiking ability. The least we will do is the Lindeman Lake hike. If there are ramblers who want to continue on to Greendrop Lake (there needs to be at least two or three people), the others (minimum 2 people) can wait at Lindeman Lake for the Greendrop Lake hikers to return, or they can return downhill and do the nature walk that loops around (and crosses over) the Chilliwack River and everyone meet at the car(s). The trailhead for the nature walk is across the road from the Lindeman Lake/Greendrop Lake trailhead.

Check out the trail details using the link to the right.

Please get back to me by Tuesday, August 9 at the latest so that we can organize rides. In order to plan the day, it is important that we know who wants to come and their preferences for a hike (i.e. just Lindeman, or Lindeman/Greendrop).

Happy rambling!

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