The Idea
Lana, Leanne, and Linda would like to invite all RCA staff members to join the Regent Ramblers. Watch this blog for updates throughout the summer and join us if you can! Regent Ramblers do not need to come alone--they are welcome to drag along a spouse or friend (or in some cases, a dog).
The Plan
We are aiming at a hike a week over the summer months. We will post the hike and date on the blog, and give a time to meet at the school to figure out rides once there. We'll also include the name of the coordinator for that particular hike. If you do not want to meet at the school but still want to join the group, just call the hike coordinator and let her know. You can meet up with us at the trail head or somewhere en route.
The Hikes
The coordinator for each hike will pass along all the information to Linda who will update the blog. We will give you all the particulars of the hike that we can -- the location, the degree of difficulty (easy, moderate, difficult), whether it is dog-friendly, the distance, the elevation change, etc.
If you have a hike you have always wanted to do, get hold of a hike coordinator and she will see about fitting it in. If the groups gets unmanageably large, we can always divide up into two groups... doing hikes of differing degrees of difficulty.
What If It Rains?
If the weather is such that the hike is sure to miserable or dangerous, we will update the blog early in the morning. Be sure to check the blog before you head out to meet us in case we need to reschedule (or cancel if we have a stretch of bad weather).
Let's Get Started
We will let you know by July 1 when and where our first ramble will be.
The picture above was taken last week when my mom and I walked the short Bridal Falls trail just east of Chilliwack.
SOunds excellent...let's hope for great walking weather!